
Zoids The Wings Servants Ep 05

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Robert pushed his way past a group of young men outside a bar Daniel right behind him leering and anyone who looked like they were eying her up. Richard stayed a step behind her, holding onto Cassandra’s hand, keeping the startled pilot close.  
“Aye girl” one of the men said as he approached Cassandra, “you looking for...”
“Stop right there” Richard said as he pulled Cassandra closer, “She’s with me, get lost”
“Come on man” The man said as he approached, “we can share”
“No you can’t” Ozzie said as he entered the crowd, his seven foot tall frame and German Accent making the man take a step back, “this is not a lady that you can touch so non chalently”
“What” the man said, a puzzled look on his face.
“She’s not a common club goer and you don’t get a shot to grind on her” Richard said bluntly, “Are you ready Cass”
“You have no Idea” Cassandra said as she walked into the bar, Ozzie and Richard following her.
“Thanks for showing up when you did” Richard said as he and Ozzie entered the large bar, their fists meeting in a bump.
“You know I’ve got your back lead” Ozzie answered as he scanned the two story drinking establishment, his attention was immediately drawn to the mechanical bull in the centre of the room.
“Don’t even think about it” Richard said quickly, “don’t forget what happened the last time”
“So I broke the bull last time” Ozzie said as Richard walked towards the table Robert, Cassandra and Daniel were sitting at, “Hey, you’re not even going to entertain the idea”
Ozzie walked over the table and sat down.
“To yet another insanely long, yet successful deployment” Ozzie said as he raised a beer from the table and started to drink from it.
“So who ordered the first round?” Richard asked as he scanned the bar once more, looking for anyone that he may know, taking sips from his beer.
“So heres to the invincible ravens” Ozzie announced at the top of his lungs.
“Here here” everyone at the table except Daniel and Richard said cheerfully.
“I’ll be back” Richard muttered as he stood up and left the table, walking towards the bar.
“Where is he going all of a sudden” Daniel said as her eyes followed Richard.
“Who knows” Robert said as he subtly slid Cassandra’s beer over in front of him, “maybe he’s going to pick up”
“That’s not what his tone said” Cassandra said, looking down to the place on the table where her glass used to be, “where’s my beer”
“Your wing man took care of it” Robert said with a sly grin, “you can thank him later”
“Thank him, now I have nothing to drink” Cassandra said as she slammed her hand down on the table, a deep belly laugh bellowing from Ozzie
Cassandra looked to the bar spotting Richard sitting there, his back to the group.
“Should we go over” Cassandra said quietly, “he looks like he doesn’t want to be disturbed”
“Richard isn’t one to drink alone” Robert said bluntly, taking another swig of his beer, “look there’s a man on his right and a woman in a cloak on his left”
“How can you tell it’s a woman” Cassandra asked as a waitress came up to the table they were sitting at
“May I take your order, anything you want off the menu” the waitress said as placed down another round of beers, “and don’t worry about the cost; the woman in the cloak at the bar is covering the tab”
“Say, what does that woman look like” Daniel asked as she finished her first beer
“I really can’t say” the waitress said, “I got the instructions from the bartender, I didn’t see the woman, sorry”
“That’s ok” Daniel said as she picked up the menu, “so shall we order”.

“You really are drunk” Richard said as the woman reached for another shot glass, “no”
Richard intercepted the hand, taking the shot the woman was reaching for and drinking it himself.
“You’re not having anymore, even if I have to drink this place dry” Richard said as he placed the empty shot glass down, “for someone so young, you definitely have impeccable taste in alcohol, I don’t fancy alcohol poisoning though, so please stop”
“Full medical check up” the woman muttered, “When I was told everyone had to undergo a full check up my heart dropped, I can’t pass a full check up”
“Is that because of your drinking” the Richard said as he slid fifty credits to the bartender, “she will be having no more, she’s had too much already”
“You don’t know me, you don’t know my limits” the woman said as she pulled the fifty back
“I work with you, I know you well enough” Richard said as he slid the fifty towards an ever more confused bartender
“Is she drinking not” the bartender asked
“No” Richard quickly said, the woman leering at him, “she’ll thank me for this later”
“Right” the bartender said as he took the fifty and stepped away from the pair
“Now then, Why can’t you pass a full check up” Richard said as the woman reached out and touched his face
“I never knew your eyes were so bright Richard” she said as she turned his head
“I’m trying to be serious here” Richard said as he took hold of the woman’s hand moving it away from his face, “Why can’t you pass the exam, maybe there’s something I can do to skew the odds for you”
“You would really risk your commission for someone like me” the woman said, as she took her hand away, “I never thought you would do that, you always seemed to put yourself first”
“Why do you say that” Richard asked as he began to nibble on peanuts
“You always rush ahead of everybody” the woman said, “like you’re trying to claim all the glory for yourself”
“I do that so others don’t have to fight” Richard said as he slid the small bowl of nuts towards the woman, “I have no issue putting myself in danger, I know what I can do, but other people, that’s harder to gauge”
“So you don’t really know what your squadron can handle?” the woman blurted an air of confusion about her
“No that’s not what I meant” Richard quickly responded, “If I didn’t know they could fly as well as me then I wouldn’t fly with them”
“You’re digging a hole for yourself Richard” the woman slurred, giggling, “I like it when you dig holes for yourself, you become vulnerable, that invincible air of yours goes away, I like it when that happens”
“Well I can’t be vulnerable all the time” Richard said quietly as he looked down
“Maybe if you found the right person” the woman said, “someone to share your woes with”
“Right, when did you get so wise” Richard said, “do all 21 year olds get this wise when they get drunk”
“I am not 21” The woman said abruptly, pouting and taking a hand full of bar nuts, “I’m 23, and your captain, remember that”
“Right, you know, if I was an asshole, I could blackmail you so hard right now” Richard said as he brushed Kaname’s hair out of her face, “but I’m not an asshole”
“Really” Kaname muttered, her eyes narrowing
“Yeah, I want to know why you can’t pass the test” Richard said as he took some bar nuts from the almost depleted bowl
“It’s because, I’m dying” Kaname said as she rested her head on the bar
“Well alcohol can give you that feeling” Richard said as he put his hand on Kaname’s back
“I’m being serious” Kaname blurted, “I haven’t even told my parents, why am I telling you”
“Because you’re drunk” Richard responded, “tell me why you’re dying”
“It’s that thing, that thing that Hamanji was talking about” Kaname blurted, “I’ve hit stage two, it’s irreversible, incurable, I am going to die”
Richard lowered his head to the bar.
“How much has she had to drink” Richard thought.
“Hamanji can’t tell me how long I have” Kaname continued, beginning to sob,  “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to put my family through that, and there’s so much I haven’t done yet”
Tears began to well in Kaname’s eyes.
“Okay, um, think happy thoughts, hey remember that time that the cook put chillies in the pea and ham soup and you didn’t eat it but Veratisu did” Richard said as Kaname began to chuckle, “the coms weren’t right for a week”
Kaname burst out laughing.
“So you’re a happy drunk eh, or am I missing somthing.” Richard thought as he stood up from the bar and called the bartender over.
“Keep my friends over there content with their food and drink, anything they want” Richard said as he placed two hundred credits on the bar, “put any overcharges on my tab”
“You got it” the bartender said
“oh and if they come over and ask who I was with...” Richard started
“I saw nothing” the bartender interrupted, “if they ask I’ll just say I’m paid to serve drinks, not remember faces”
“Good man” Richard said as he took a hold of Kaname’s hand, “Time to go mamn, it won’t be long before the others get curious”
Richard stepped behind Kaname’s stool and placing his hands on the seat back.
“It really is time to go” he said
“Okay fine” Kaname slurred, “but this won’t be the end of this”
“I’m sure it won’t be” Richard muttered as he pulled the stool out for Kaname
“She’s surprisingly light” he thought as she stepped onto the ground, still facing the bar
“Ready to go” Kaname said as she turned towards him, his hand catching her shoulder quickly
“Don’t turn the whole way they’ll see you” Richard said
“See who” Daniel said as she sat down at the bar next to Richard, “oh my god, captain”
Daniel looked at Richard
“Is she drunk” Daniel asked, as Richard through his arm over Kaname’s shoulders
“She’s fucking hammered, I need a distraction, tell the others that I met up with an old friend or something” Richard said, “Kaname, I need you to walk with me, let me guide you, do you understand”
“I think you’re forgetting who’s the captain here” Kaname said with a grin, “Helm full speed...”
“Shh,” Richard said as he covered Kaname’s mouth with his hand, “everyone will hear you”
“You can’t tell me what to do” Kaname said as Richard removed his hand, “who put you in charge”
“If Dr Hamanji was here; she’d declare you unfit for duty” Richard said quickly, “That makes me next in the command chain here”
“Captain, just go with Richard” Daniel said as she looked back to the group, “he’ll get you home safe, if he doesn’t I’ll cut his balls off. I’ll cover your exit”
“You say that to all the guys you meet” Richard said grinning.
“No funny business Richard” Daniel said as she began to walk back to the table, “I’ll catch you later”
“No funny business eh” Kaname said, tapping Richard’s nose
“You are really too drunk to handle” Richard said as he guided Kaname towards the exit.

“You said 168 Farmon-North street right?” Richard asked as he turned a corner, holding Kaname in his arms.
“Yeah” Kaname said as she let her arms dangle, her petite figure now wrapped up in her cloak, “but I didn’t expect that you would carry me home from the bar”
“It was easier than directing you” Richard said with a grin, “speaking of which, what does the place you’re staying at look like?”
“Two story place, oriental front garden, stepping stones and stuff” Kaname answered, hiccupping as she raised her dangling arm and pointed at a two story house half way down the street, “there”
“Right, so you’re renting the house or is it one of those house swapping things or something” Richard said as he walked down the street.
“Not quite”, Kaname responded as the pair arrived at the gate. Richard slowly placed Kaname on her feet, watching as she stood there in a daze for a seccond, “it has been fun but...”
Kaname stopped talking momentarily before dropping to her knees and vomiting on the path outside the gate.
“And like that, I’m going to walk you to bed” Richard said as he helped Kaname up off the ground, opening the gate and helping her up the path to the door, “Kaname where are your keys”
“In my coat pocket, or just knock” Kaname answered
Richard looked at Kaname, his eyes widening.
“Not only have I carried my captain home when she was drunk, but she was in uniform the entire time” he thought as he raised his hand to the door and knocked.
“So a roommate or something...” Richard said as one of the upstairs windows became illuminated and the yapping of a puppy began, “a dog as well, that’s really odd...”
Richards’s sentence was interrupted as the door swung open; an older man stepped onto one of the stepping stones.
“Kaname, he said, rushing forward and sliding his arm between Richard and his drunken captain, “it’s ok, you’re home now.”
“Who was it Yoshiro?” A woman asked as she stepped out into the front yard her eyes widening as they fell upon Kaname, “Oh my”
“Darling, help me get her inside” the man said
“I’m fine dad” Kaname said, removing the man’s arm, “mom, are there any leftovers, I’ve got a hole in my stomach a horse wouldn’t fill”
Kaname stumbled inside, the woman following behind her.
“So who are you” the older man said as he turned to Richard.
“I’m Richard Jefferson” Richard said.
“What happened” the older man said, “How did Kaname end up like this”
“Lots and lots of alcohol” Richard said quietly, “I stumbled across her at the bar while I was with a couple of friends. Is the captain your daughter?”
“Yes” The older man said, “Do you know her?”
“I am the squadron commander of her ships air superiority and interceptor squadron” Richard said as his eyes wandered beyond the door, noticing a large rifle hanging on a wall above a fireplace.
“Thank you for bringing her home then” The man said, “Kaname can be a handful at times”
“Really” Richard said, “I’ve honestly never seen it.”
“Well I guess to a young serviceman, a night of drunken debauchery is nothing out of the ordinary.” the older man said, “Once you retire you’ll see the difference, hell I saw it before I retired.”
“Actually I’m not the kind to get hammered” Richard said as he looked over his shoulder, noticing Kaname’s cloak lying on the path, “One second”
Richard turned and quickly walked down the path.
“Nice garden” he thought, “We had a nice house at home, the garden was bland, nothing like this”
Richard bent over, picking up the cloak and quickly folding it. He took in the design for a moment.
“This looks like my...” he started before being interrupted
“You like it” The older man said as he approached, “It’s my combat coat from my days in the Special Forces, I gave it to Kaname when she became a captain. It’s nice and warm, and every captain needs a good coat”
“I’m sorry, when did you retire” Richard asked as he turned and handed the coat to the man
“I’d say twenty or so years ago” The man said, “around the time Kaname was born, the coat itself is older though, I bet they don’t make them like this nowadays”
“You’re wrong; they make them exactly like this nowadays” Richard said, “right down to the insert in the back for the armour plate. I almost mistook it for my combat coat”
“So you’re in the Red Coats eh” The man said as he turned towards the house, “I was In command of  5Base for a short time before I retired, where were you trained”
“7Base” Richard said
“Really” The man said, “I was trained at 3Base personally”
The man stopped abruptly.
“I must have left my manners upstairs next to the bed, I haven’t even introduced myself” The man continued, extending his hand, “I’m Yoshiro Soto”
“Nice to meet you” Richard said as he took Yoshiro’s hand and shook it
“Come inside for a bit” Yoshiro said, “it’s cold out here”
“Thank you for the offer” Richard said, “but I should really be getting back to my hotel”
“Understandable” Yoshiro said, “So you have a car or something”
“Normally I would have my bike, but it’s still in storage” Richard said, “I guess I’m going to have to catch a bus”
“The buses would have stopped for the night” Yoshiro said, “come in for a bit and then I’ll give you a lift to where you’re staying”
“Are you sure” Richard said, “if it’s too much trouble I can just call a taxi or something”
“Don’t worry about it” Yoshiro said, “come in and tell me how young Red Coats do things”
“Ok, though you may not like how I do things” Richard said as he stepped towards the door
“Don’t tell me you believe in that honourable warfare crap” Yoshiro said as he entered the house.
“On second thought, you may like my stories” Richard said as he followed, closing the door behind him.


As the Swan rests, the Raven will find himself amongst his future. As this happens, what will the Mistress of Red find in her time off. Coming episode, The 1.2. Crescendo.  
The Wing is back for another episode, and this time they're not flying state of the art aircraft.

Drinking ensues this week on the wings servants
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